Saturday, April 13, 2013

Intellectual Wellness: Writer Nathalie Martinez

Hey everyone!

To be an Outlier means to strive to achieve wellness in every aspect of life, meaning that nourishing your mind is just as important as nourishing your body. With that being said, I am excited to share my friend and fellow Alumni website. Nathalie is an award winning writer currently pursuing her masters at USC in professional writing. She has a bachelors in narrative studies from USC, and works as a writer for the Disney corporation. She is an amazing person, friend and the epitome of someone who strives to achieve overall wellness each day of her life.

Check out her website as she is constantly updating it with amazing short stories. I cannot wait to see her name on bookshelves and movies screens in the very near future!

Let Me Tell You About The Birds | Nathalie Martinez

1 comment:

  1. This is truly a wonderful blog! Great concept! Thank you so much for sharing my site, I really appreciate it! I feel so proud to be an outlier!! :)

    Thank you!!
